Ad Specs and Guidelines
Thank you for partnering with Swiftly to amplify your brand!
Now that you’ve received your asset list from your Account Manager, we’re providing the templates below to help you create each asset.
For Onsite Media
Ads on the app and website.

Below are templates*, with our retailer-specific sizes, available for download.
Onsite Media Photoshop Template >
*The Save Mart Companies advertisers will need to use both the template above and below.
TSMC Carousel Guide and Templates >
If Swiftly is Creating Your Banners
Please provide the following copy and working files to
- Branding Assets
- Logo: .svg, .ai, .psd, .png
- Brand Guide - Campaign Branding
- Product Images: .psd, .tiff, .png
- Campaign Brand Elements:
.psd, .ai, .svg, editable files - Copy
Legal Line
For Offsite Media
Ads on partner networks.

If agency will be creating the offsite banners, please use the following templates:
Offsite Media Photoshop Template >
Offsite creative must be co-branded with the retailer logo. Please choose retailer logo from below.
If Swiftly is Creating Your Banners
Please provide the following copy and working files to
- Branding Assets
- Logo: .svg, .ai, .psd, .png
- Brand Guide - Campaign Branding
- Product Images: .psd, .tiff, .png
- Campaign Brand Elements:
.psd, .ai, .svg, editable files - Copy
Legal Line
Need to see examples of each placement
or have questions about sizes for each placement?
Click here for full specs or email with questions.